Display based on Specified Commercial Transaction Law

  1. Sales company name
    Bank Invoice Corporation
  2. Sales company location
    14-10, 1-chome, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
  3. Representative
    Taro Teshima, President and Representative Director
  4. home page
  5. e-mail
    Please refer to “Contact Us” on the above website.
  6. phone number

    phone number
    TEL:03-6228-7527 (Weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00)
    Bank Invoice Corporation

  7. Price range
    100 yen without tax per transmission (return / reception is free)
    * Subject to change in the future.
    * If customized, the fee structure will be different.
  8. Delivery time of products (days)
    When using online services
  9. Payment method
    Bank transfer
  10. Payment date
    End of next month of service use month
    * If the usage amount is less than 3,000 yen, you will be billed at the end of the month when the cumulative total is 3,000 yen or more.
  11. Necessary expenses other than the product price / Shipping, consumption tax, etc.
    Consumption tax etc.
  12. Handling conditions for returns / return deadline, postage for returning goods, cancellation or withdrawal conditions
    Cancellation is possible by procedures specified by the Company
    * Refunds for already paid are not possible.
  13. Handling conditions for defective products
    Use as is

[Established January 1, 2018]
©Bank Invoice